I Trade
Here is to introduce I TRADE being our licensed manpower placement agency
( License. # RL-485/94 ), as one of the best of Bangladesh, having association with the leading international recruitment agencies.We place ourselves as the single expert,and provide you with a team, to complete workforce for Constructions,Operation and Maintenance,Healthcare, Automobile Services,Various Industries, AdministrativeServices and other Activities. We can provide you workers fromBangladesh for a competitive salary and complete mobilization plan enabling you to bid or execute your project more cost efficiently. We are in a position to provide services for all saudi arabian Recruitment through our Riyadh based Associate Office at Riyadh. We have a very cordial relationship with our concerned Government officials and with the Royal Saudi Embassy. We pledge our best services at all times.

The Aspect of President
While pacing through my childhood,I encountered a vast mass of suffering humanity but had also the fortune to see my father helping a great number of them as a doctor. I too grew up with that sense of responsibility of being able to do something for the poor fellow Muslims of my country. My first involvement in the trade of manpower recruitment was initiated by my attempt to bring a few young men from my hometown to be employed abroad in the year 1986. There I found that, one young man from each poor family employed abroad turned out to be cause and source of very survival of the rest of their family members. This enthused me into the trade of manpower recruitment. In the last half a decade, I was devotedly involved in placing workforce from Bangladesh,Nepal,India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka to theMiddle Eastern and Gulf Countries. During this period, I gathered vast experience while working with various renouned Manpower Agencies atBangladesh. Besides, being a resident of Riyadh for over twelve years, I was also responsible as the most integral part to recruit for the companies mentioned below.
More than 7,00,000+ workers had been despatched by various companies at my direct procurement as a result of my knowing the companies like MawaridServices Ltd. Abdullah Al-Khodiri &Sons,Xenel Group,Al-Watania NewsAgency,Al-Rashid Trading Co. SSOC and many others. This experience has enabled me to startI TRADE a nascent company of my own, with an earnest hope that whenever you have a demand for manpower, you will extend us an opportunity of serving you with a difference. With my vast experience and relations with great number of companies, I wish to stand as an exception and serve with dedication. I promise, you will find I TRADE a most reliable Agency to meet your needs
Man now live in a computerized world of which the growing awareness of human resources is at its peak of competitive and comprehensive services. The intricate job of a modern day organization working under any economic system, is based on the right placement of human resources at its best price. Some developing countries with immense unutilised wealth, are endeavouring to quick and ir.tensive,industrialization. Due to shortage of their own manpower, they do recognize the benefits that they can derive from the surplus work force that the underdeveloped countries like ours can offer. Since its inception I TRADE has been exploring the possibilities of utilising these surplus work force for mutual benefits. I TRADE takes pride in successfully accomplishing this task of placing mostly unskilled and some skilled work fórce to such countries with dignity and dedication and at highly competitive price. We therefore, look forward to an extended opportunity of serving you with honesty, dedication and skill to meet your demands. We are aware that its a difficult task but, with our proven expertise, we are confident to live upto your highest expectation.